How to Lower Your Indoor Humidity Levels

High levels of indoor humidity can lead to all sorts of problems, both with the structure of your home and your family’s health and comfort, AC repair and installation experts report. RH (relative humidity) levels have been linked to poor indoor air quality, which can cause sleeping problems, asthma complications, allergy attacks and other respiratory issues. Humidity can also damage wood fixtures, cause paint and wallpaper to peel and even promote the spread of mold and mildew.

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On top of all these issues, a damp atmosphere inside your home can also make hot summer days even more unbearable. 75 degrees feels closer to 80 at 100% RH. So what’s the best way to manage the humidity level within your home? Here are a few tips from our HVAC specialists at A STAR Air Conditioning and Heating.

Use a Dehumidifier

Ask your HVAC service provider about humidifier and dehumidifier retrofits for your existing heating and cooling system. These are typically more affordable compared to the average AC unit cost, and the ability to set the indoor RH to your preference is definitely priceless. Keeping the humidity under control is also key if you want to add a few years to your HVAC system’s service life.

Minimize Moisture

Unfortunately, many daily activities involve using water in one form or another, which adds even more moisture into the air. Washing clothes and dishes, taking showers and even cooking can all contribute to your indoor RH. While we can’t eliminate these day-to-day tasks, you can lessen their impact with proper ventilation and air circulation. Make sure that your bathrooms and kitchens are connected to an efficient exhaust system to draw out excess moisture and release it outside.

Regular Maintenance

Humidity levels are also affected by how well your home is properly maintained. Keep your windows and doors sealed, reapply strips of weatherproofing where needed and have all your pipes and faucets checked for leaks regularly. Don’t forget to change your air conditioner and furnace filters every 30 to 90 days as well. Contact your AC company for a maintenance program to help with the upkeep of your heating and cooling system.

At A STAR Air Conditioning and Heating, we’re your leading provider of air conditioning repair, maintenance and installation services. Give us a call at (954) 212-9816 or fill out our online contact form to book an appointment with our technicians today.